Saturday, July 2, 2011

transformers 3

"I will never give up on you."   Okay, it's always on dire circumstances, but I love it when a movie uses this line.  I love the idea of never giving up.

Outside of that, I had someone clear their throat at me for laughing when Bri said something funny, and again when I kissed him a little to intently for the "grown ups" behind us.  Jeez, live a little people.

I really liked that about this movie although I found it a little difficult to follow which of the big robots was who, or whom.....or why the girl in the white dress seemed to serve very little the vernacular of robot transformer worlds, I am a little slow.  They really all look about the same to me.  Brian laughed when I asked what the little monkey looking things were.

So we know that Transformers is a great time to work of part of a post, but horrible to type in, so if you got the initial read of this, you know it was a lot fewer letters.  My keyboard was all greasy from the popcorn.  :-)

I loved a couple of the lines from the movie.  "When they asked you where you were at the end of the world, what will you say?"

"I just stood there?"

I couldn't imagine the question, or the idea of just standing there.  The most massive disappointment, however, was the lack of the Iridescent video at the end of the movie, the entire reason that I wasted an hour plus of my life being confused by computer generated crap.